About Tony & Marta Satas (pronounced "shot-us")

Many married couples might find it difficult to also be business partners. Not so with us. In fact we found it to be completely natural for us. We're best friends and we love being with each other, so we couldn't think of a better way to get to spend even more time together than by working side by side.

Now don't get me wrong, we do have our, let's call them "moments", but I wouldn't expect anything less from two people so devoted to each other and to helping others succeed. Besides those few and far between "moments" are far outweighed by the quality of life Marta and I get to share by working together.

Marta and I can have very different ways of coaching, leading and managing. What else would you expect from a Taurus (that's Marta) and a Cancer (that's me). Marta has the real sharp and savvy business mind of the two of us, with a knack for cutting through the clutter and getting right to the point. (That's the charging bull in her.) I, on the other hand, am more of a counselor who loves developing systems, writing, graphic design, and playing with technical/mechanical stuff.

Marta and I began our real quest for knowledge together from the very beginning of our relationship. We literally devoured books on all sorts of subjects such as Spiritualism, Politics, Religion, Native American Culture, Natural Healing, Herbs, Exercise, Alternative Health, Astrology, The Course in Miracles, and of course Business & Marketing. We've also spent hundreds of hours being taught and mentored by some of the more well-known heavy hitters from both the spiritual and business arenas like Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dan Kennedy, Jay Abraham, Louise Hayes, Deepak Chopra, Gary Renard, Michael Gerber, Jim Rohn, Dr. Richard Schulze, Anthony Robbins, Caroline Myss, Joe Vitale, Robert Middleton, Dr. John Christopher, Eckhart Tolle, James Redfield, Maryanne Williamson, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dr. David Hawkins, Linda Goodman, Dr. BrianWeiss, Steve Hagen, Udo Erasmus, Jerry & Esther Hicks and many more. If you'd like to check out some of the books we recommend from these authors, simply
click here to go to our bookstore.

didn't want to follow the old saying, "Those who can- do. Those who cannot- teach." So we had to spend a lot of time doing, so we COULD teach. Since we've been together we've had 5 businesses. Some have flopped (nothing to be ashamed of because you really do learn a lot from your failures), some have done well. We're currently running 2- this business which falls under our main company MarTone Enterprises, Inc. and a small service business in our local area. Helping, coaching and mentoring small business owners and holistic practitioners is what we're really passionate about, so we plan on doing a whole lot more of it.

Besides the typical lemonade stand that I had as a kid I started my first business at 16. I actually went to a college prep school who's cheer (because the school was filled with brains not braun, we lost a lot of athletic events) was, "It's alright, it's okay, you're gonna work for me someday!" Since then I have earned much knowledge and experience starting, running and growing businesses. When it comes to business, I love developing systems that work, writing and designing marketing and inspirational materials, and teaching.

Marta is a natural go-getter. (That's the Taurus in her.) Her mind is as sharp
as a fine crafted surgical blade, able to cut through the muck and get right to the bottom line. She has some of the finest sales and business skills I have ever seen, and I have seen a lot. And by the way, I'm not just blowing sunshine either, she truly is a dynamo. She also started working early in life always baby-sitting and even fudging her application to work at a hot dog stand before her 16th birthday. In her early 20's she went into mortgage banking as a loan originator. And in a company full of men, her first month out, she was number one in sales. She doesn't like when I brag about her but this wasn't some hole in the wall company, this was the nation's largest mortgage banking company at the time - and she was number one. In addition to her business mastery, Marta has one of the biggest hearts I know of. She bends over backwards to help people succeed.

So now, with MarTone Enterprises, Inc. we are focusing our energy on helping people like you start, run, and grow your business and/or practice. We get to continue to work together, which means we get to spend a lot of time together. Our office is just a short commute downstairs in our home. We get to meet all sorts of wonderful people and help them make their dreams reality. We both believe as the Course In Miracles says, "To have, give all to all."

We hope you enjoy the programs and services we've provided here to help your business grow and enhance your life. We look forward to meeting you in person, one day soon. Until then we wish you...

Peace, Long Life, and Miraculous Success,

Tony & Marta Satas